Friday, May 4, 2012

Artisanal olive oil on East Boulevard

A new store is open on East Blvd., offering customers over 40 unique, upscale olive oils and vinegars.

Pour Olive Oil is the brainchild of owners Sophie and Doug Jones, who also live in Dilworth near the store. In a former art gallery, Pour has stainless steel containers (called "fustis") full of olive oils and vinegars. Customers can sample them in the store, and their bottle is filled straight from the fusti tap.

Here's a quick sampling of some of the flavored oils they carry: Tuscan Herb, Black Truffle Oil, Organic Basil, Lemon Fused, Persian Lime Infused, Blood Orange Fused, and Herbs de Provence. The oils are sourced from individual growing zones, like wines, according to Pour Olive Oil. Among the vinegars, you can choose from flavors such as Dark Chocolate Balsamic, Raspberry Beret, and Cranberry Pear.

And while you might think of olive oil as a product you only eat on salads or use in cooking, the store boasts that the oils and vinegars are tasty enough to sip straight. Plus, if you bring back your empty bottle, you get $1 off your next purchase.

You can follow Pour Olive Oil on Twitter @PourOliveOil. The store is open Tuesday - Sunday, with varying hours. Call 980.207.1510 for more information.

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  1. What a neat concept. May they do well in this terrible economy! We could use more of supporting our local entrepreneurs.

  2. Pretentious place....I bet you none of the oils are really from Tuscany or "Persia"

  3. I love ignorant people. Always good for a laugh. The "persian" refers to the lime, not the oil, as the Tuscan refers to the herb mix.

  4. "Upscale" olive oil. Lol.

  5. This is the third one of these I have heard of in the area. I guess a sucker is born every minute - just not sure who is the bigger sucker, the person who thinks this is a good business idea or the people who will buy overpriced olive oil!

  6. "I bet you none of the oils are really from Tuscany or *Persia*"

    Um - Pretentious? You have never benn there.
    They sell olive oil. How is that pretentious? If it is from tuscany or Persia how is tha pretentious. None of the oils are really from Tuscany? oh like they are lying... How many people are growing olives or producing olives in Charlotte? In the U.S.? Tuscan olive oil is pretty common. I'm guessing you dont consume much olive oil and your business which is non existent wont be missed. Mercedees is pretentious and not really from Germany ...because you can't afford one.
    Gotta love insecure people.

  7. It's Sophie and Doug Jones, not James...

  8. I had a typo on the last name - thanks for pointing it out! Should be fixed.

  9. What a fabulous idea. I wish them all the best and hope to visit the store next time I'm in Charlotte. Wish we had one in Raleigh.

  10. I look forward to going to this shop. I love dipping crusty bread in olive oil and balsamic vinagrette. Can't wait to try some new flavors! Glad this store opened.

  11. I hope the owners have deep, deep pockets.

  12. Conveniently located across the street from the Scotch Tape store...
