Monday, April 29, 2013

Gander Mtn. to open firearms supercenter

Outdoors equipment store Gander Mountain has opened a new, firearms supercenter in Monroe, and grand opening celebrations this weekend will feature giveaways and celebrity appearances by Swamp People.

The new store sells new and used firearms, ammunition and accessories. It is the first such Gander Mtn. store in the state.

"With our latest Gander Mtn. Firearms Super Center we are taking the experience of shopping for firearms
and accessories to an entirely new level of selection and service,” said CEO David Pratt, in a statement. “We are excited to bring this new retail experience and opportunity to the people of Monroe and the Charlotte metro area and we’re confident that our unmatched selection and the expertise of our specialists will make this a premiere destination for those with an interest in firearms.”

The store's grand opening is scheduled for May 3 to May 5. Events will include appearances by Swamp People cast members, $10 gift cards for the first 100 people through in the door all three days, and free hats or t-shirts for the first 250 people to make a purchase each of the three days.

Gander Mountain is also opening a new store in Gastonia this spring, in the Franklin Square shopping center.

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  1. Hopefully, they'll actually have ammunition at pre-socialist gun movement prices.

  2. I wouldn't mind seeing the store and its merchandise, but I won't support a store that uses those no-class redneck trash Swamp People for promo and advertising purposes.

  3. and people will cling to guns and religion.

  4. If the liberals want more guns (they say they don't) then they should shut up and let things settle down. Otherwise, the run up with folks buying any all things firearms will continue. Great for Gander Mtn's of the world. I have a gun, I like to shoot. I'm not a crazy prepper, this has truly gotten out of hand. The libs need to observe the unintended consequences of their twisted logic and of their control-the-world wishes. Won't work.

  5. Will be a 'neck ho down.

  6. Nice free advertising for "Swamp People".

    Yep, it takes real skill to get a rope around an alligator's neck, pull it up next to the boat, and shoot it point blank in the head.

    I'm surprised Gander Mountain associates with them.

    I'm a shooter, but they won't get my business.

  7. It takes skill to do it and keep your hands and fingers.

  8. Liberal extremists scream at Americans not to judge all of their Islamic buddies by the murdering Muslim extremists we've seen so far (neglecting to mention the hundreds of thousands - or more - who would love to see our blood run the streets of the USA ...)

    They really oughta shut their pie-holes, then, about firearm owners in their own country. 99.999+ % of lawful firearm owners of legally-purchased guns of assorted types have NEVER committed a crime with them - and never will.

    Obama, Feinstein, Biden and other anti-Americans: Practice what you preach!!!
