Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lowe's hiring 45,000 seasonal workers for spring rush

Mooresville-based Lowe's, Inc. is hiring 45,000 temporary workers to help staff its stores for the spring rush, the company said Tuesday.

Seasonal employees work about 20 to 25 hours a week at Lowe's stores. Lowe's also said it plans to hire 9,000 permanent part-time employees.

Spring is the equivalent of the Christmas season for home improvement retailers, that magical time when everyone is motivated to rehab their yards and finally start some of those projects they've been putting off during the frigid winter months.

Lowe's also cut back some of its full-time employees last year in favor of more flexible, part-time workers to increase staffing at busy times. The company laid off about 1,700 middle managers in its stores, or about one per location.

In its news release, Lowe's said: The permanent part-time positions include store associates focused on direct interaction and expertise for customers. Employees in the permanent positions will be scheduled to work during peak weekday shopping times.

“We are focused on providing customers with outstanding service,” said Scott Purvis, vice president, human resources, operations. “We are looking for candidates who are experienced in any of the home improvement trades, and, most importantly, those who are committed to providing Lowe’s customers an exceptional service experience.”

You can see and apply for available jobs here.


  1. No mention of the 100's of the Lowe's corporate employees who were laid off during 2012 through Voluntary and Involuntary separation programs.

  2. Yeah well the operative word here is seasonal.

    This whole country is just a bunch of migrant workers in the Obama world. Mexicans and illegals of every stripe have stolen our jobs. Criminal politicians and criminal CEOs have moved our jobs overseas and padded their pockets at our expense.

    Americans are idiots and we have lost what many gave their lives for.

    To hell with Lowes.

    1. well if the "americans" would quit complainin and start taking jobs that are below our expectations...maybe could really rebuild america....most of america is made by Mexicans!

  3. Great example of Obie care

  4. Anon@10:12am - So, do you purchase anything from any retailer? Majority of workers are part-time.

    Why do you blame just one person for this situation? Didn't the GOP and Bush control the Presidency and House for most of the 2000 decade? Why didn't they get around to doing something?

    If you're really concerned about saving American jobs, hurling partisan rants isn't going to help solve the problems.

  5. Wait until all the illegals become "legal". See how many jobs your kids can get then. Or if they get any, how much lower the pay will be.

  6. Komodoman,

    To answer your question, yes Bush did get around to doing something, it was that 5% average unemployment rate that Obama would deport his Aunt Petuti for (well maybe not).

  7. Bush doing something, that is funny!! Well, he did start a major War searching for those weapons of mass destruction.

    I love how there are always loser blogger that tries to blame the nations problem on Obama, as if he has been the only president, politician, or citizen who can make a change in this country. Republicans had their chance to change the world but we see how that is going.

    Remember that when Obama took office the nation was already in a major recession, national debt was at astronomical levels (Clinton left office with a surplus), house prices were tanking, banks/insurance companies/auto industry almost bankrupt and we were fighting two wars. When George W took office the nation was experiencing extreme growth, house boom, and the pursuit of the America dream was achievable.

    1. Clintons a bust. Obamas an idiot. What did obama do?.... learn ur facts if ur gona start politics. Obama has created more debt for this country. Andrew jackson is the only president to bring america out of debt. Obamas setting us up for failure. Actually its prob not even obama its the people above obama. Obamas just a normal moron bein told wat to do from the bigger dawgs. The smart ones that r knew obama would win hjs first election cause hes black. Yall talk so highly of obama like he really even did anything. Theres bout to be war soon. And when obama declares war wat do u got to say about the democratic blue lip president then. Debt has increased with obama. Thats a fact

  8. Obama isn't the cause of layoffs and jobs moving overseas, that lead by greed and poor management.

    Outsourcing jobs has been going on for decades mostly due to Americans being too lazy to do an honest day of work yet expecting top pay.

  9. As an African American I'm trying to work two jobs not one. I see latinos doing jobs that seem to some to be beneath them so that's not it they take pride in their jobs and do them with no complaints. Unlike most people the pie in the sky jobs are gone. I'm trying to start my own business we need to take control of own destiny. No one is responsible for our happiness but us and I seek God to get that that's just me.

  10. Seasonal employment in the retail sector is not a new concept. I worked for a major department store in the early 90's and we hired seasonal help. It's not a Democrat thing or a Republican thing, it's a Business 101 thing. Companies can't sustain elevated staffing levels at non-peak times of year, or they'd go out of business. The team members who really showed initiative and drive usually ended up getting offered part-time or full-time work after the seasonal period was over. If we didn't have any openings, we'd at least call the good ones and ask them to come back the next season. I can't imagine Lowes will handle this any differently. And for those who mentioned layoffs in the corporate office last year, those jobs are different from frontline. While I wouldn't expect them to turn away former corporate employees who apply for these store positions, I certainly couldn't see them NOT hiring contingent labor until they've checked with all of their separated employees first. The same skillset is not required.

  11. They will be lucky to get 25 hours a week, and those that are full time w/benefits will be cut to part time.

  12. Americans are doing a good job, working as a permanent employee and getting that benefits from the organization is really good thing.

  13. All seasonal or part time way to go kmart or I mean Lowes.
