Monday, August 20, 2012

Taste of Buffalo Pizzeria expanding

Taste of Buffalo Pizzeria is expanding, as the family-owned business finds there's a strong demand for western New York cuisine here.

Taste of Buffalo, in Huntersville, was opened by the Battaglia family in 2003. As you might guess from the name, the family started Taste of Buffalo to bring western New York flavor to the South. They're one of a number of restaurants with such ambitions (not surprising, given how many Buffalonians have relocated to the sunnier Charlotte climate).

The restaurant, originally designed just as takeout and delivery space, is expanding into the storefront next door. The new dining room will also include a bar with draft beer, and the old area will be used for special events and parties. The store will schedule a grand reopening in the next few weeks, the owners said in an email.

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  1. Good food here; nice, friendly people running Buffalo Pizza! More than ample portions and for those who like *good* french-fries, this is your destination!

  2. Great food and great people!

  3. We love this place! They are the nicest folks and make seriously good food!

  4. Yea, I knew it was probable near Huntersville. That would be 'Little Buffalo NY'.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    Yea, I knew it was probable near Huntersville. That would be 'Little Buffalo NY'.

    August 20, 2012 8:44 AM"

    --Wow, this makes me sick on my stomach. So now they are bringing down their own style of pizza for the transplants. I will stay far away from Lake Norman, or Huntersville - all the same to me. I have no desire to be around New Yorkers or their flat greasy pizza style. Thank you.

  6. Anonymouse 9:10 AM:

    You're obviously not familiar with Buffalo style pizza. New York style is flat, Buffalo style is not.

    And if you're looking to avoid flat pizza, you'd best stay away from most of Charlotte since there's NY style pizza places all over the city.

  7. Buffalo folks are bringing some tasty eats to town. I love JJs Red Hots and would love to see Buffalo Pizzeria bring a second loc in Charlotte

  8. "Wow, this makes me sick on my stomach. So now they are bringing down their own style of pizza for the transplants. I will stay far away from Lake Norman, or Huntersville - all the same to me. I have no desire to be around New Yorkers or their flat greasy pizza style. Thank you."

    Do you promise to stay far away? That's doing us New Yorkers a favor. I bet your the guy in the Dodge Neon cruising at a cool 63 in the left lane between exit 30 to exit 23.

  9. You obviously did not take a geography class in school. WESTERN NEW YORK/ BUFFALO is a 7 hour car ride from New York City. Its people and cuisine are quite different. So please keep your ignorant comments to yourself, Go Bills!

  10. I love those guys! I used to work in the same shopping center and eat there at least once a week. They have great food and wish nothing but the best!

  11. "I will stay far away from Lake Norman, or Huntersville - all the same to me. I have no desire to be around New Yorkers or their flat greasy pizza style. Thank you."

    Thank YOU for staying away from us. Appreciate it.

  12. Congrats to the Battaglias! They're such great people. And they make such fantastic wings.

  13. 9:10 AM anon:

    U MAD, BRO?

  14. Buffalo is in the state of New York. Maybe you need a geography lesson as well. Either way, it doesn't matter. The people are just as rude and disrespectful of our culture. We don't like them for that.

  15. Bro? Are you in high school? Please stay on topic.

  16. We need more Chicago style pizza instead of hateful NY pizza.

  17. Not sure if I agree with opening a place just to cater to transplants trying to pretend like they are still somewhere else. Unfortunate.

  18. New York pizza is in reference to the city not the state. The best way to explain Buffalo pizza is a combination of NY & Chicago. It has a lot of cheese, thicker crust and pepperoni that curls up and traps a little grease pool.
