Thursday, August 9, 2012

Report: H&M headed to Charlotte

According to the Charlotte blog Restaurant Traffic, H&M, one of Charlotte's longest-sought retailers, is heading to town.

According to Restaurant Traffic, H&M will open in SouthPark mall and Northlake Mall. The retailer had reportedly looked at space in SouthPark previously, but couldn't find the right space. And Northlake still has plenty of open space at its shuttered Borders bookstore.
Restaurant Traffic is run by leasing professionals in Charlotte, including David Tschirhart of Legacy Real Estate Advisors. They usually post news about (surprise) new restaurant space being leased, but with the depth of their retail contacts they are usually pretty reliable.

"H&M has locations in Raleigh and Winston Salem but now will have a presence in the largest city in North Carolina. No firm date on when they will enter the market but they are coming," Restaurant Traffic writes.

With The Container Store at SouthPark open and Whole Foods opening soon, adding H&M to the mix would fill one of the last remaining hipness holes in Charlotte's retail scene. It might also assuage the city's chronic complaints about why Raleigh and other N.C. cities seem to get every major retailer before Charlotte.


  1. Sorry, but could you explain what H&M is? New restaurant? New food store? New retail? Guess I am just not hip enough to know.

    1. It's a great clothing store! It's like a more organized, better quality, even cuter mix between Urban Outfitters and Forever 21!(:

    2. wow you don't know what H&M is lol it has nothing to do with being hip, your just country haha, leave the Carolina bubble sometimes yikes!

  2. Inexpensive, fashionable clothing.

  3. Im excited. I love H&M"!

  4. H&M is one of the largest modern clothing stores in NYC and other major US cities. The quality and the prices are fantastic. I moved from Atlanta to Charlotte and was shocked there was no H&M here. SO happy to hear this!!

    1. The one in ATL is a joke, all the best H&M are up north, I don't understand why they make certain ones so bad for certain areas, it's fly ppl everywhere !

    2. There are great ones down south. Visit Dallas ,Texas…

  5. To Anon 2:27,

    Read the first sentence or third sentence or last sentence in third paragraph or first sentence in last paragraph or last sentence or just google H&M

  6. PLEASE don't tease us - PLEASE BE TRUE PLEASE BE TRUE!!

  7. Glad that H&M is FINALLY headed to CLT. However, not sure how we would go from no locations to two?

  8. About time! Though, I wonder why H&M would suddenly open two locations at when CLT previously had no locations?

  9. So glad a store I have never heard of is coming to Charlotte-- oh wait- upscale clothing -- nevermind another overpriced store... yawn...

    1. actually u clearly are a country bumpkin trying to sound cool, if u knew anything about H&M you would know its the furthest thing from overpriced, that's what makes it such an important edition to any city, it's like a bigger wider selection of urban outfitter and American apparel with prices cut in 1/2

  10. I wish h&m would just stick to southpark. Northlake only boasts the most generic mall stores and although I am very excited about h&m coming to Charlotte (I have been traveling to Raleigh and more recently Winston Salem) I think southpark would be their best bet.

  11. I fainted when someone posted this on my FB wall. I moved from Dallas, TX in Oct of 2010 and H&M Open three stores there in 2011. I could have cried. SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

  12. Actually it is not overpriced. Very affordable and good quality!

  13. YES! and an even BIGGER yes for it to be coming to NorthLake!!!

  14. It is finally about time they are bringing one to Charlotte. I do not agree with just keeping it at SouthPark because in all actuality the store does not even fit the SouthPark "brand" for the types of stores they have already. Plus if the details in this in article are true, then the old Borders bookstore space would be a PERFECT fit for the size.

  15. so those of us who live in north charlotte and frequent northlake mall don't deserve an h&m?

  16. "Sorry, but could you explain what H&M is?"

    The IKEA of clothing.

  17. Not every store in Charlotte needs to be at SouthPark. Northlake will be a great location for them. It makes sense for them to come in with two stores to a market this size.

  18. I am so excited. There were reports that an H&M was coming to Charlotte last year and that didn't happen. Hopefully this time it will. As small and boring as Winston-Salem is, they have one, and Charlotte doesn't. Never made sense to me...

    1. CLT? What? Just because the rappers start saying ATL doesn't mean you have to start saying CLT!

    2. Grow up it has nothing to do with fact no one cares about Atlanta.

  19. The sheep have gone to pasture

  20. I would like to see a more reliable source than this...

  21. Woooooooo-hooooooo

  22. Finally, When I moved here from London (where there is an H&M every 2 miles) I was extremely upset to see they had it in Raleigh and not here. Cannot wait!!!

  23. Someone referred to small and boring Winston-Salem, aaaaaaaaaaaah cant be too small or boring or Im sure H&M wouldnt have opened a store there! And I mean if H&M is all that anyway....And for others hating on NL Mall, how stupid, I guess anything consider "hip" needs to go to SP only? And why go there anyway the deck is about to cave in and the roof is another year from completely coming down anyway.

  24. M. Love CLT is the abbreviation for Charlotte!!! How ignorant of you to make the referral of rappers and ATL as a reason for someone spelling CLT instead of Charlotte. Completely idiotic!!!

  25. Northlake Mall is a dead mall and doesnt have type of clients for this store. H&M better get wise and stay in Southpark.

  26. To Annoy 3:02
    None of those sentences tell a person a thing about what the sell. A retailer is just about anything that sells to the public. Since the blog normally post about restuarants, it adds to the confussion.

  27. CLT is the name the flying public knows for Charlotte, North Carolina's Douglas International airport. Oh coarse some people don't fly so they would have no reason to know that.

  28. Northlake? What a waste. I warned Senior Mgmt there years ago where this project was headed. I was right. YaY for H & M but boo for that location. CLT has better locales than that. Oh well... it's not our money,right?

  29. To the person who referred to Winston-Salem as small & boring I guess the fact that they have had a Whole Foods Market since 1999 while Charlotte is finally getting one in 2012 is really going to blow their mind!!

    1. hahahaha Winston Salem is extremely small and boring, QC is NCs biggest city and it's barely a city it's still growin but is def no where near being fun and exciting (yet) its funny to listen to some1 who clearly is born and raised here and hasn't ever or rarely spent time in real CITIES argue that WS isnt small and boring and there justification being that it has a h&M and wholefoods hahahahahaha

  30. LOL... I managed to read the entire article and came away not knowing who, what or why H&M is... that takes talent Ely.

    1. then maybe this article isn't for you, cuz I find it more amazing and talented in 2012 for some1 not to know what H&M is, smh bible belt wal-mart fanatics

  31. Maybe the NL location will be added as a tax write-off. I know a mgmt person at a major store there and the place never lived up to the hype and tends to have more problematic "customers"

  32. Winston is small and boring & Charlotte is large and boring.

  33. To everyone saying that H&M shouldn't go to NL I say this: That is the perfect location for H&M. Might help turn that mall into something better than it is. I would think the NL demographic is quite congruent to H&M's. Younger, less affluent than SP, more aspirational-type shoppers, etc. CLT market is certainly big enough for two, though. They would fit in nicely at SP as well.

  34. H & M sells stylish clothing at an affordable price. I kind of compare them to Express clothing store, but half the price. I'm sooo happy, however no official date has been mentioned. Oh well at least online shopping starts soon.

  35. I loved shopping at H&M when I lived in Europe. Bring it on!

  36. about time! Charlotte folks need better options of clothing as this city lacks style. No offense to clt! your folks are behind in years in fashion.....

  37. The fact that Raleigh and Winston Salem got these stores before us says nothing and proves nothing....H&M has been looking for the right location in CLT for awhile and as for Whole only came to Winstom Salem and Raleigh because Whole Foods bought out another chain that was already located there, so they just changed the name..know your facts before you state false info. CLT is sooooo much better than both of those lame cities...oops, did I just say that? ;-)

  38. This store is such a better fit for Carolina Place than Southpark.

  39. Oh, this is just soooo exciting!!!
    A store that sells clothes!!!
    What will they think of next?

  40. I agree!! Carolina Place Mall would be a better fit for H&M. I am excited they are coming!

  41. I have contacted H&M and they deny that they have any plans on moving to Charlotte right now.

  42. Omg...I am so excited over this new, however I may be a bit late in the rejoicing with my other fellow H&M shoppers. Just happy that I don't have to drive to Raleigh or try and go when I am in NY. Someone hand me a box of tissue (crying)!
