Thursday, May 24, 2012

More groups join Family Dollar tobacco opposition

More anti-smoking groups are calling on Family Dollar to reverse its recent decision to sell tobacco products, a move the Matthews-based retailer has shown no inclination to make 

The groups, led by Legacy, are claiming Family Dollar customers are more likely to be low-income and minority, and more likely to be smokers. 

"Family Dollar could heavily impact the lives of those Americans who already suffer disproportionately from tobacco’s economic and health consequences,” said Cheryl Healton, CEO of Legacy. The statement continued, "Since Family Dollar stores mainly operate in neighborhoods with low-income and middle income families, the company has the potential to increase access to the nation’s deadliest consumer product."

"While the company has defended its policy as a business decision based on customer demand, Family Dollar has the unique opportunity to stand out as a company that is committed to keep customers healthy by not selling tobacco products," said Healton.

Family Dollar has said the move is purely a business decision. About one third, a higher proportion of their customers than the national average, smoke. Those customers are getting their cigarettes elsewhere, Family Dollar said, so to be competitive the store needs to carry tobacco.

“We’re not in the business of judging our customers for their purchases,” said Family Dollar spokesman Joshua Braverman in April, when the issue was first raised. “It’s just another category where we add the convenience for them.”

What do you think? Does a retailer have any responsibility towards its customers' health when it comes to products like tobacco, or should it just be a business decision?


  1. This country should get out of the tobacco wars.

    Save billions of taxpayer dollars by simply denying Medicare/Medicaid coverage for treatments related to tobacco use.

  2. I don't agree that it's the retailers responsibility. However, why not take it to the ultimate end? Make it illegal to manufacture and distribue tobacco. Categorize tobacco with meth, cocaine, and, of course, left-handed cigs.

  3. Dude (Non-Smoker)May 24, 2012 at 9:52 AM

    So it is Family Dollar's fault that poor people somke? Geezzz no wonder this country is in the crapper! Let people take responsibility for THEMSELVES and let the goverment and these special intrest groups stay out of other folks business.

  4. Wow, when would it end? "Advocacy" groups deciding what stores can and can't sell. What's next? Ban on sale of salt (high blood pressure), cooking oil (fried foods), potato chips and soda (obesity)?

  5. Liberalism is a Cancer....It trys to control everything...until it kills the body

  6. Actually (to the above) 'liberalism' actually means lack of control, free market, laissez faire... not the same as 'Liberal' politics.

  7. Actually (to the above) 'liberalism' means exactly the opposite - but rather 'hands off', lack of control, free market. As opposed to Liberal (left) politics.

  8. People are responsible for themselves... That would be like saying, don't sell beer already "reridgerated" because it makes it more convenient for people to drink. I myself am a smoker, and not poor. If i choose to have a cigarette, thats my decision. I cant blame anyone else.

  9. figure it dollar employees who have family dollar health insurance are charged a bigger premium if they are smokers.also family dollar offers a stop smoking program to its employess for my question is why are they selling cigarettes when they are doing things to make the employees stop smokinh

  10. In reply to above,
    If Family Dollars health insurance charges smokers a higher premium, that's just logic; risk assessment.
    If they offer their employees a program to quit smoking, that's a choice, not force. And everybody likes "choice" right? Especially liberals and especially when it comes to what we do with our own bodies, right?

  11. Of course it's not Family Dollars' responsibility, it's just a good business decision. Should they not be selling sugary drinks or junk food because they cause diabetes and obesity? Of course not, people have to decided for themselves, and as long as the Government says selling cigarettes is legal, they shouldn't be held responsible.
