Monday, March 26, 2012

World of Beer opens in South End

World of Beer, the Florida-based beer superstore, is opening a Charlotte location in South End today.

The store has been under development for several months in the Circle @ South End apartment building. Monday, March 26, is the official opening, with live music at 8 p.m.

World of Beer has over 500 beers on sale. The five-year-old company has about two dozen locations, and was founded in Tampa, Fla. The South End location will have live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and will feature brewery nights focused on a specific brewer's beers. The first brewery night is April 10, featuring Sweetwater.

With small breweries proliferating in Charlotte and more retail beer businesses such as Salud (opened this month in NoDa), Charlotte's beer scene is getting hot.

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  1. "Charlotte's beer scene is getting hot."

    You should have said - "Charlotte's beer scene is hopping."

  2. Gah, you're totally right. That would have been way better. Something good is brewing in Charlotte now - maybe I'll use that line later.

  3. Charlotte's craft beer scene has been great for some time, but you're right that it's growing at a rapid pace.

    Thanks for the coverage of World of Beer!

  4.! I hope you can make it happen and, if it's been a while since you've done this kind of stuff, I'd recommend you revisit it-times changes and things have gotten a bit easier on us, especially in light of all of this automation and services on the web offered now.
