Friday, December 16, 2011

US Airways comes in second-worst in hassles ranking

An analysis of U.S. airlines by Bloomberg News shows US Airways comes in second to last for hassles passengers face, ranking higher than only now-bankrupt American Airlines.

Tempe-based US Airways operates its busiest hub in Charlotte, and flies about 90 percent of the airport's daily flights. US Airways spokeswoman Michelle Mohr told Bloomberg news that the airline has improved its performance greatly over the past few years, especially since a federal judge ordered an end to a pilot work slowdown.

Bloomberg analyzed several years of data to come up with ratings for the 10 largest U.S. airline companies, describing how often passengers face common hassles such as packed planes, late or canceled flights, and fees.

Out of a possible score of 100, American Airlines scored 31.2 - and higher was better in this ranking system. US Airways scored 32.5, and United (pre-Continental merger) notched 33.6.

Dallas-based Southwest got the best score, with 73.2 points.

You can read Bloomberg's full story here.


  1. Sorry, but this has to be one of the most poorly written articles I've read in a long time.

    Not until the last few sentences do you realize being second to last is a BAD thing.

    The title stating "second to last in hassles" leas you to believe US Air had FEWER hassles.

  2. Wiley, I understood what the article meant as soon as I read the title...And I agree with it! I fly frequently for work: 12/15 flight in from Cincinnati, flight 2817, touched down at 5:55 pm, passengers got baggage at D carousel at 7:13 pm! That's 1 hr 18 minutes to get bags from plane to pick-up! I paid the $25 to not have to hassle with the bag thru security, schlepp it around at the gate, etc.; but never again!!

  3. What does the article have to do with retail though

  4. Wiley is more worried about the writing of the article, than its intent and meaning. BWAHAHAHAHA! What a typical redneck, to try and change the subject when the fact is...US Airways blows!

    Bring on Southwest Airlines!

  5. I think Wiley is right - the headline was confusing, so I changed "last" to "worst" to reflect the post's meaning (although I don't think it was that poorly written besides the headline but hey, Wiley and I can agree to disagree).

    That being said, anonymous, I don't get at all what your comment about rednecks has to do with anything. In the future, you should probably keep your opinions to yourself.

    Other anonymous, it doesn't have a lot to do with retail, but US Airways is also a company I cover (I've put that in the blog's About Me section). Since this is a re-post (we call it "aggregation") of another news source, Bloomberg, I decided to put it on my blog instead of make it a separate story.

    Thanks for reading, enjoy Friday, let's all keep our blood pressure from spiking too high over the comments.

  6. Being a Gold Dividend member, I am pained to admit that Delta provides better service than USAirways.

  7. Anon 1:50...

    Opinions are like noses, eveybody has one.

    I just hit 77,000 miles on Wednesday with US Air, so my "opinion" about how the story was written and the title is valid.

    If you want to fly Southwest Cattle Airlines, by all means go ahead.

    And Anon 1:35, I haven't checked a bag in 5 years, even being out of town for 7 days last month, so that alone saves hassles from ANY airline...

  8. and Lard Lad,

    In the "Meanest Category",

    Delta was the worst in 2009 and in 2010 they were 5th worst.

    Us Air wasn't in the top 5 worst for 2010 in the AQR Report released in April 2011.

  9. I feel for the customer's of AA. Being a FF with USAir is challenging enough. The customer service attitude starts at the executive level and I don't expect it to improve much over the next few years.

  10. I feel for the customer's of AA. Being a FF with USAir is challenging enough. The customer service attitude starts at the executive level and I don't expect it to improve much over the next few years.

  11. The headline is Charlotte Observer "speak." The Observer never met a business it wouldn't voluntarily appease, especially big ones.

  12. and if they had compared the US airlines to international carriers, all of the US airlines would have been at the bottom. Customer service is not in the vocabulary of most of the flight attendants these days.

  13. Yeah, waiting for you bag at D-E (after you've come in on the E concourse) stinks. Takes me up to an hour each time. Why the delays? Too few carrier vehicles servicing the E concourse baggage? Too few employees doing it? Too many bags?

    Hey Jerry Orr-look at this mess and straighten it out!

  14. BH...

    It appears Jerry and his minions are updating the baggage dungeon, getting ready for the liberal onslaught coming next year.

    So if there is a silver lining in the Demos coming to town, upgrading the airport is one of them.

  15. Read about the US Airways pilots here:

    US Airways pilots are intentionally delaying thousands of flight, and hundreds of thousands of hard working customers, strictly for their own benefit.

    US Airways pilots deserve to be flipped off whenever you see one -- JUST DO IT!!

  16. As a former US Flight Attendant I can say with confidence that this is one of the worst companies to work for as employees are treated like disposable waste.
    But having flown them a few times recently I have had absolutely no issues at all. And I checked my bags each time, at the gate of course.

  17. George, I have been a pilot for Piedmont/ US Airways for the past 26 years and can honestly say that maybe 10% are intentionally delaying flights. The rest of us go about our jobs, day in and day out transporting thousands of passangers safely to their destinations, at all hours of the day in all types of weather conditions! All while being paid bottom of the industry wages! So, if you feel like flipping off a pilot, and can break away from your family long enough to make it to the airport on Christmas eve, have me paged and we will meet face to face. Yep, another Christmas away from my family!
