Friday, January 21, 2011

Two SouthPark retailers closing shop

On Monday, Kenneth Cole is pulling up its North Carolina stakes and closing down its SouthPark store. Also, an art gallery based in Davidson is also pulling out of the mall.

The SouthPark location (Kenneth Cole's only in the state) is one of nine stores that the trendy, New York-based apparel retailer is shuttering this year, including its flagship Rockefeller Center shop. A manager at the SouthPark store said that a 70-percent-off closing sale is ongoing through Monday, the store's last day.

And Wooden Stone Gallery, which sells handcrafted, functional art (think vases, wine holders, jewelry boxes and such) is also closing Monday. A manager said they will be open intermittently until then, without set hours. The gallery, which opened a SouthPark store in late 2009, consolidating its operations back at its original Davidson location. A manager said the store didn't plan to be in SouthPark for the long term, and the retailer had enjoyed its year there.

A SouthPark spokesman said the mall has tenants for both spaces, but isn't ready to publicly announce them.


  1. SouthPark should have just added a 2nd or 3rd story and this would have solved the space problem without changing the original design. It is SOOOOO ugly now and packed like a sardine can.

  2. Did anyone shop at those stores anyhow? Just saying.. Kenneth Cole is a "has been".

    When is Brooks Brothers moving to Phillip's Place?

  3. Coming soon: Just Money

    You come in with old money and buy new money. All handled by very skinny ingenues who act as if they are only doing this job because their rich parents told them they had to work for one day to qualify for the family trust.

    Yes it costs you about twenty percent each time, but do you really want to carry around dirty money all day, or even have it at your house?

    Also you can apply for the just money credit card at 25 percent which gives you the titanium prestige of going into any store and getting fresh new money across the country for only a five dollar fee and twenty five percent a year.

    Yes the discriminating (not racially) buyer and person of taste will want to carry the Just Money Card, and be seen with the Just Money Shopping Bag while at South Park.

    After all what else are you doing at South Park?

  4. Bailing out of SP like rats off a sinking ship.

    Didn't mention that one of the two SP stores still there, Sharon Luggage, just closed and declared bankruptcy.

    Belk's is now the only original store left in SP.

  5. I miss the Harvest House in Woolworths and hot dogs at Eckerds.

  6. Oh man, Brendan. What a blast from the past. I remember hot dogs at Eckerd's in Eastland. Simpler times.......

  7. Really miss old retailers like "Bush Stationer's" too.

  8. What about Ferrell's Ice Cream from Eastland mall? Boy, those were the good ole days

  9. Does anyone remeber the two men's clothing stores. They were old line local stores which closed in the 80's or early 90's...

  10. Will Bev Perdue and Mayor Urkel be at the photo-op?

  11. 11:03,

    I hope SouthPark runs an ozone generator in the Sharon Luggage location... that place had the worst musty carpet smell in the world.

  12. The big Sears on one end and Iveys and Belk on the other with Morrisons cafeteria at the top. Casual Corner and Ye Ole Pipe Shoppe with plenty open air spacious parking on all 4 corners plus underneath.
    SouthPark was fully self contained and from a distance architecturally a gem with the foliage.

    If it aint broke dont ever try to fix it.

  13. 10:31:

    Is BB going to have any of its good stuff (Golden Fleece/Black Fleece) when it moves, or just stock the same ol' made-in-who-knows-where 346 junk?

  14. Anonymous 11:03, Sharon Luggage at SouthPark has been gone for years! As close as they've gotten to SP is their superstore at 77 & Arrowood.

  15. Anonymous 11:03, Sharon Luggage at SouthPark has been gone for years! As close as they've gotten to SP is their superstore at 77 & Arrowood.

    No, Sharon Luggage just closed recently. I work a few stores down from their former location.

  16. I just shopped at Sharon Luggage @ SP right before Christmas,so it was open then.

  17. I do too miss the old SouthPark mall, especially its white brick facade that has been dramatically bandaged with faux everything. So many good memories there in years past, we hardly go there now.

  18. Ok SouthPark, when are you getting an H&M. We're waiting (Raleigh's had one for almost a year now)

  19. I wish South Park was still a farm.

  20. Sawth Pawk sux. There are much better places to shop in NC other than Chawlotte.

  21. Bring in a Zara so I don't have to drive all the way to Atlanta to shop.

  22. In '85 a was a whisker from opening a Benetton at Eastland Mall, but decided not to do it. Wow, that would have been a financial disaster.
