Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lowe's plans to lay off 1,700 managers

About 1,700 managers at Lowe's home improvement stores around the country will soon lose their jobs, according to media reports late Tuesday.

The Mooresville-based retailer plans to spread the cuts across many of its 1,725 locations, Bloomberg reported. The company, which employs some 238,000 people, will also soon begin hiring some 8,000 to 10,000 additional part-time weekend sales staff.

Spokeswoman Chris Ahearn said Tuesday that the company redefined hundreds of middle-management jobs and will eliminate those between assistant store manager and store manager on Saturday. There are between four and six managers at most of the company's stores.

Affected managers were notified Tuesday and their last day of work is Saturday.

Lowe's has been profitable in recent quarters, despite the continued beating that the housing market has taken from foreclosures and lower home values. The company has pushed smaller, do-it-yourself projects instead of larger home construction or remodeling projects that used to help drive its business.

In its third fiscal quarter, ending last October, Lowe's reported $404 million in profits. Sales rose nearly 2 percent to $11.6 billion. The growth in profits trailed rival Home Depot though, and analysts have forecast that trend will continue.

Know an affected employee, or were you laid off? Contact Ely Portillo at 704-358-5041, or


  1. This would have been news had it been posted Tuesday morning. The impacted "middle" managers were notified yesterday.

    Good luck to those who were impacted by this.

  2. Looks like the same play book Circuit City used a few years ago. How did that work out?

  3. I'll just keep going to Home Depot. Customer Service on the floor is always better. And you're right - same MO as Circuit City.

  4. Yes, Home Depot has more customer service on the floor. Unfortunately, it is more often than not condescending, know it all, "my way is better" service. Which works great for the people who don't know what they are doing and are looking for guidance, but it's extremely annoying if you know what you need and how to use it. I think I'll stick to Lowe's, at least until all those less closely managed part timers drive me crazy. Despite my defense of Lowe's in this comment vis a vis HD, this is not a good idea. Believe me, as someone who is in Lowe's or HD pretty much every day, I know.

  5. parttimre doesn't require benefits. Healthcare cost plays a big role in this

  6. They should have classes for do-it-yourselfers on removing copper wire for scrap.

    That's a growing industry for sure.

  7. Spent 25k at Home Depot last year.

    About $300.00 at Lowes.

    It's not that we dislike Lowes, it's just Home Depot is a better store.

    Regardless, I thought obama biden pelosi had all this job economy stuff taken care of?

  8. They do need more help. Good luck at tryingto get someone to assist you in the lighting department at the one in Matthews off Matthews Township Parkway.

  9. bush's tax cuts for the rich still working out well for middle America i see. hey, i got an idea, since they're working so well, let's extend them

  10. FYI -- as a Lowes part time employee, you are offered benefits, insurance= medical, dental and eye exams. Plus stock purchase options.

  11. I wonder how many home office employees were impacted? How much money could have been saved by trimming the "fat" at that level. We cut out the "legs" of this company at the work horse level and left the stores without adequate leadership.

  12. Lowes, Home Depot, six of one half dozen of the other. It's just freakin' hardware being sold by elf's in blue or orange aprons.

  13. Home Depot a better store. HA! HA! HA! I'm glad I was sitting down when I read that ridiculous statement!!!!

  14. at least HD knows the difference between sae and metric. hope you are sitting down again.

  15. I prefer HD if I need real construction materials (wood, blocks etc).

    Lowes is full of soccer moms with wall paper and end table lamps that are oblivious to you and your cart full of 14 foot pieces of lumber. However it's a much better place if you need wallpaper and lamps.

  16. HD used to be the better store, but now they both just sell cheap imported junk, not much better than Walmart. Only reason I go to Lowes more is it's closer.

  17. Lowe's offers benefits for its part time employees so I do not see how health care costs play a factor. Furthermore, coming from someone who has worked for the company for 4 years, the cuts should have been done years ago. Lowe's was way to top heavy with its store level management. As for hiring part ppl vs ft. I don't like it.

  18. $404 million dollar profit and they are laying people off?


  20. They both have good service it just depends on the store some are better then others

  21. Huntersville Lowes is GREAT!!! Please don't mess with staff at this location.

  22. Home Depot? Seriously? what a junked-up place THAT is with their little "handwritten-look" signs...I spend my money AT Lowes because they are NC based and not GA based. I like the corporate taxes staying in-state. Plus, I hate the Falcons and we all know who owns them. Their stores are neat and clean and with wide ailses. I think this is smart business on Lowe's part.

  23. It was reported today that new home sales hit a 47 year low...that has to have an negative impact on Lowes.

  24. In 2008, these same managers at both Lowes and Home Depot let everyone go and tried to 'work the sales floor' themselves because they wouldn't cut their own. It was awful. They knew nothing of their products or customers. Then they hired low wage, part time immigrant workers (not just hispanic) to run the cash registers who were poorly trained. All the while, their prices crept up and up to the point where I try to avoid both stores and buy online or direct from material suppliers.

    If you go into Harbor Freight Tools, their store is rocking nearly every day. Sure their power tools are junk and selection limited, but most of what they sell is the same as the two big stores at one third the price.

    Anyway, what's up with the Disco music in Home Depot? Cost cutting deal with Muzak?

  25. As hard as I have tried, I just can't shop Home Depot. I only go there if I can't find what I am looking for somewhere else.

    Even with the cutbacks at Lowes, I'll still make that my first choice for home improvement needs.

  26. Good move on Lowes part. Too much management has been the death of many businesses! Just because CC folded up does not mean Lowes will. Lowes is a better performing company overall so this will be a bump in the road for them.

  27. Good move on Lowes part. Too much management has been the death of many businesses! Just because CC folded up does not mean Lowes will. Lowes is a better performing company overall so this will be a bump in the road for them.

  28. Yes, great news you dummies. 1700 more people will be unemployed.

    I guess Lowe's didn't make enough profit last year. On the bright side they will hire 8-10k part time employees that do not get health benefits and get paid less.

    Wonderful, the extension of the Bush tax cuts, in effect since 2003 are working wonders.

  29. HD reminds me of Big Lots: cluttered, dirty, unorganized, and poorly merchandized. I would drive to another town to go to Lowes before I would go to HD next door.

  30. Republicans needs to get their story straight... they keep saying companies shouldn't get bailed out! If a better company comes along and it's run better and x-company fails because of it, so be it! Right? Well, then if Lowe's failed because Home Depot is better... it's better! Don't blame the economy or health care. Blame the fact that Lowe's stinks! Otherwise, you look like you want the economy to fail for your own political gain. :/

  31. My brother is one of those laid off yesterday. They are not letting go Sr.Store Managers but floor sales managers. Lowes Corporate had been taken over by former Sears/Kmart excutives and most everything they did with those companies FAILED!! There is a reason they are no longer with those companies and now they are going to run Lowes into the ground. Their big push is to enter the contracting arena by bidding on your home improvement projects. Problem is their bid is on average 20% higher than other bids and they are mad at sales managers for not pushing their contracting services. Sound like Sears?! They need to let upper level management go and save the jobs of those who show up every day and work hard on the floor to put food in their kids mouths!

  32. How about a little allegiance to the local store versus HD which is based out of Atlanta.

  33. Better prices and selection at HD in South Charlotte anyway. The Lowe's down here apparently don't train their staff on customer service.

  34. I really feel badly for the people losing their jobs. These are probably people who have worked extremely hard and have worked their way up to "Management" only to be told that the company has chosen to do without them. Such a shame that there are layers and layers of LOWES Management making huge dollars and benefits and are not on the firing llne with the consumers on a daily basis and are protected from the layoffs. Unfortunately the consumer and the people laid off at LOWES are the losers in this deal.

    Is anyone working for LOWES worth the millions that some top Executives are paid annually?
    I DO NOT THINK SO . . .

  35. To those that say Lowe's offers health benefits to part-time employees, look at their website today. They offer some catastrophic health coverage to part-timers, but I wouldn't call that health care. I do think Obamacare played a part in this. Expect full-time retail worker to become a rarity.

  36. To much crappy chinese sweat shop products in Home Depot and Lowes. In their quest to make a extra two or three cents per item they have put a good bit of their customer base out of work. This is a failing business model.

  37. It is truly a dishonor to employees who work for companies such as Lowes. Lowes prides itself on being a Company where you can retire a Millionaire along with the Benefits. However over the years, the benefits have diminished, the pay has decreased and the responsibilities on Managers have increased. Lowes like so many other companies forgets easily how they became a Fortune 500 Company. They don't see people, they see numbers and all are replaceable. They should have started at the top with firings.

  38. Lowe's offers many more projects that fit my budget very nicely. Every Home Depot visit has been very unsuccessful, budget wise and customer service wise. unlike Lowe's.

  39. Lowe's is much more orderly. Home Depot is like a glorified Big Lots. I'll take Lowe's over HD any day.
    I do believe they could make cuts in their Corp. office instead - as oppose to their stores that lack customer support.

  40. As a former vendor for both Lowe's and HD I can say that alot of those "middle-manager's" were nothing but rude and didn't know how to treat they're co-workers. I am happy to see this group put in they're respectvie place! Now go reap what you sew and remember the people you step on today, because they'll be laughing at your misfortunes tomorrow!

  41. Being close to one of those laid off yesterday I feel it's just unfair. I've seen his hard work and in under 5 years, he made a way to "upper management" only to get booted out of the door as one of the last in first out crew. He obviously excelled enough to be considered for management and then to hear that he can't work for them because he wasn't chosen. What happened to a company recognizing it's people's strengths and repositioning them somewhere where their talents fit and it benefits the company. He was told that he is welcome to apply for any open positions, but this would have to be done as a new hire therefore losing invested time with said company. God works in mysterious ways and told him what was going on so I know he was prepared. I watched the last part of the state of the union and was glad that President Obama put the blame back on us the citizens. We have gotten away from our core values of hard work, honesty, kindness, ingenuity and have replaced them with laziness, lies, greed and copycat-ism. To be fired by two men who can't look you in the eye reading a statement and then to be walked out of the store was a disgrace for him. I just hope them the best, they lost a good employee.

  42. Lowes cares about how much m0ney
    its makes at the end of the day,
    not the poor people that do
    the work,its really sad the way
    they treat their peole.

  43. In response to this comment "bush's tax cuts for the rich still working out well for middle America i see. hey, i got an idea, since they're working so well, let's extend them"

    Do you think it's fair that the rich pay more in tax than another, say middle class person? Why should I pay $20k in taxes while another individual pays $1k and gets back an obsurd refund because of tax credits like earned income, child credit ect.... In fact, the rich use less of societies (goverenrment provided) resources than the middle class and poor, yet we pay the lions share of tax, that doesn't seem fair does it, keep that in mind when talking about tax cuts for the "rich" my friend. If it wern't for the rich, you wouldn't have roads, schools the list goes on and on.

  44. A few years back I went to Lowes in Monroe, NC. There was a guy around 60 or so trying to load up his truck with a LOT of lumber etc. I could see several younger fellas in Lowes smocks standing inside talking & said to the guy "those young fellas can't help you load this up, after spending all you did" & he said "guess not". I helped him & left. Went to Matthews to Home Depot & have never been back to Lowes, & never will. Besides, they need to "lay off" Jimmie Johnson & tell him to get a real job.

  45. Well, its good to know that all people can still complain about is who will help them at a store!
    I work at lowes, my husband also DID. He was fired yesterday(not layed off, and his last day was yesterday.. Not saturday) he has worked so hard for the company for 7 years, and managers who have had final notices and employee complaints against them keep their job. Manager who has been there 5 months keep their job. Thanks for nothing lowes- your employees who want to make a career out of lowes work soo hard and this is how you repay us.... Thanks

  46. Hmm, a quick search on yahoo and I get the following figures: since 2008 Home Depot has laid off roughly 10,750 people, 7,000 of those at the same time. That is quite a lot of people. And it appears they've closed about 30 stores.

  47. It was announced this week that Home Depot in Greenville, NC and Rocy Mount where going to close. The one in Greenville opened right next to a Lowe's years ago and never did do good. I have friend that is a manager of a department in the Lowe's in New Bern. I haven't tlked to him since Christmas. I wonder if he is going to get it?

  48. I am a lowes employee and was close to a man that lost his job after 11 yrs of service yesterday. They decided who the terminated employee was based on tenure, not on performance, credibility, or involvement. I understand when a company needs to make cutbacks, but like a few of you have said, why not start at the top? It makes no sense to me or anyone else at my store, why the most helpful and friendliest manager got the boot, and managers that stay on their blackberrys and have random spells of anger taken out on employees because they're insufficient in their manhood get to stay.As for customer service, you people that are obsessed with service, try to remember that we have to put up with countless a******* like you every day that are more concerned with the difference between two colors or how a light fixture looks than who is getting fired. We dont get paid enough to make your decisions for you, and we are NOT your personal shoppers.

  49. My wife and I tried to use Lowes repeatedly for the local slant. We tried three different stores in the area despite the fact that we had two HDs within three to four miles of us. I had owned a bit of HD stock from way back but was not really partial to either company. After repeated ridiculously bad customer service at Lowes, we decided to altogether abandon the Lowes experiment and just stick to HD.

    I could not and still cannot believe that at a time that HD was losing ground and shuttering the Design Centers, Lowes was that atrocious but time and again, clean isles but literal s**t on the floor in the bathrooms and floor personnel that were so bad that we left a store more than once and just tried another. Folks that didn't know their own product kinds of silly stuff of waiting for 30-45 minutes in an empty store (paint dept.) with folks there that just didn't bother to help even after we asked. HD might look like schlock but the folks there do offer to help repeatedly and if you ask for help, you most definitely get someone that tries. And tries is what I never saw in Lowes in the last half dozen years.

    After that, I did a little dollar cost averaging on that HD stock thinking one day, they would invariably be the one left standing. The stock is above even today but only time will tell if either company truly succeeds I guess. My bet is that unless there is a culture change at Lowes, it won't be them.

  50. I can't believe anyone would actually say Home Depot's customer service is better than Lowe's, unless you work for HD. Their customer service is horrid. Half the time they are condescending if you can actually find someone on the floor. I'll go to Lowe's over Home Depot any day of the week. At least I can find someone willing to help and give me an answer that I'm looking for.

  51. Home Depot has customer service??? My wife and I call it "Home Disaster" because everytime we've gone in there something always goes wrong. We get keys made, they don't fit. We ask someone on the floor for help, we go to 3 different people before someone helps us. Always something. I'll gladly drive the extra two miles to go to Lowe's now.

  52. This layoff affected all senior managers. The people chosen for the layoff, were picked by shortest time in position, not shortest time with the company. My zone manager was one of the chosen and she was with Lowe's for 12 years. Each manager laid off received a severance package based on their time with the company, with the option to immediately apply for any posted jobs. The only drawback is that all seniority is lost. They have to start from the bottom again.

  53. Starting at the bottom - saves you a lot of money! I wonder if Niblock is going to take a pay cut to show how loyal he is to the cause?

  54. I work for Lowes. Part time associates are offered benefits. As far as managers go. With all the customers and installation issues we NEED a lot of managers because customers only wish to deal with managers. it's hard enough to get a hold of a manager on weekends when we had 7. now that we only have 4 managers... it's going to be impossible. ALSO they might get rid of department manager positions as well. they are just ridiculous.

  55. I work at a lowes store and am constantly told by the customers that the home depot may be closer to them but we will keep them from having to go back five times and not sell them crap that has nothing to do with the project they want to get done. We do tell them the right way to do it or reccommend a better product - which in this tight economy gets a few of them upset at first - but they often thank us later. I think eliminating the middle management will get rid of some of the 'different day, different manager, different policy' which we have had a lot of trouble with in our store.

  56. Maybe this has something to do with the new VP?
    Or the fact that 1 million homes in the US were repossessed last year(Not good for the Home Improvement Business)!
    Newly promoted managers were released yesterday,"GRAND OPENING GRAND CLOSING"!

  57. Part time employees are eligible for insurance and benefits. The managers that were let go Tuesday were walked out on Tuesday. And this is not the first time Lowes has revamped their management staff.

  58. although part-time employees are offered benefits, how many can afford them with only 25 hours a week. Thanks to Obama requiring employers to give benefits to anyone working over 25 hours all retailers immediately cut their part timers to 25 hours with no increase insight. So being part time, benefits are still out of reach for most American workers.

  59. Way to go Lowes,you sure showed
    your true colors!I work at Lowes,
    it to bad you worry more about
    the money than the people that
    show-up to work everyday.
    Lowes,its truly a sorry bunch,
    I tell everyone never to deal
    with Lowes,and never work for
    the sorry bunch!!!!

  60. Lowes, lies&greed!

  61. "Anonymous said...

    I wonder how many home office employees were impacted? How much money could have been saved by trimming the "fat" at that level. We cut out the "legs" of this company at the work horse level and left the stores without adequate leadership.
    January 26, 2011 8:41 AM"

    Hate to break it to you, but a lot of the "fat" that was trimmed were the inadequate managers. And the work horses you refer to, are usually the underpaid part time employees pulling more than enough weight, at least in the lower budget stores.

    "Anonymous said...

    Lowes, Home Depot, six of one half dozen of the other. It's just freakin' hardware being sold by elf's in blue or orange aprons.
    January 26, 2011 8:43 AM"

    Clearly you have never worked in one of these stores. It's not all about hardware, my uninformed friend. Sometimes it's about having knowledge of your surrounding town's building code requirements, going to pull building permits and getting to know the building inspectors by name, or visiting a customers home to ensure their installation project is up to the company standard. It can also be about overseeing company expenses while managing an extensive specialty program from an office inside the store.

    I wear a red *vest* when I do these things.

    But, I can definitely point you towards the hammers and nails, too ;)

  62. i am sorry u people feel this way.i am a lowes emp, 10yrs.we lost 2 asm,this week.i will say they were the 2 slackers.

  63. I hope you all like getting "help" from a part-timer making $8 an hour and doesn't give a rats a** about you or the company they work for.
    I work for the orange box that does the same thing.They think that they save money by hiring P.T.'s.In reality,it costs them money.
    It costs a company about 8k to train these people.Then they either quit to get a full time job or they don't make to the floor after orientation.In the meantime,they give poor customer service because they don't get paid enough to live on.
    But,it's okay,because the CEO and presidents of these companies are making millions.That's why they do things like this.

  64. Home Depot the most Dangerous stores in America.

    Shop at your own risk.

  65. I was really hoping that Lowe's would have fired the piss poor D players that work in the stores that have been with the company for a while and still can run a register or turn off a call button. But by gosh you know where the breakroom is.

    After reading that link Home Depot Kills customers. I can leave it at that.

    For the dipstick that mentioned "Shi*on the bathroom floor" buddy that comes from the customers/Self proclaimed proffesional contractors.

    As for the employees that don't like what you do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do us a favor and quit!!!!!!!!

  66. My step-father was one of the managers laid off and they did not give him until Saturday to work. They told him to leave Tuesday when the made the announcement. What kinda crap is that?? No notice, nothing, just thanks for your hard work now scram!

  67. As a former Sales Manager who retired from Lowes I can tell you a couple of things:
    1. Lowes has a long standing habit of NOT choosing the right person for the position. Attribute this mentality to the District and Region Managers.
    2. Part timer insurance is pretty affordable. After leaving I maintained my insurance with COBRA for less than 200/month which included vision and health. I should add that before retiring I stepped down to a part time position with part time insurance.
    3. You choose how your retirement fund works for you and it is your responsibility to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck.
    4. The District Manager of our district chose to hire formerly terminated HD and Circuit City managers to step into management training and positions at our stores. The most skill they arrived with was the ability to text and play games on their phones while we who were training them had to deal with and do the bulk of the work. They were rude, crude and insufferable. Much like the District Manager that hired them I might add.
    5. Lowes COMPANY has a great vision for their store associates. Lowes STORES have a habit of beating the living h*** out of their associates. Why else would the Employee Survey Scores be as bad as they are? Next time you are in a Lowes store and the District Manager is there, ask him or HER (in our case) just how their scores were and what was identified and what has been done to fix it. Bet you don't get an answer.
    6. In talking to a department manager the other day I found that the local district is not hiring from the outside, which means, that a lot of those that were laid off will be able to step back in to lower positions if they were in good standing to begin with. Usually this results in about a 10% salary reduction. They still have their benefits the same as they did before (minus the always lucrative store bonus which floor associates are a) not aware of; b)not included in).
    7. For those of you that lost your jobs on Tuesday I am sorry.....if YOU were the one that was really working and NOT the one that was following the lead of your district manager and abusing your associates.

  68. Glad to say I was laid off during all this downsizing hoopla lowes says was needed, but I found a job making more and working less in 48 hours. Here's the truth...there was a special meeting earlier in the month with lowes lawyers and district managers for the slelection of those that would be let go. On Monday district had a meeting with their store managers to pass out the severance letters and go over the legal jargin. Tuesday every manager department and above was called into work even if you were off for tha announcenment. The store manager sat down with those of us being fired and offered the severance in exchange for a signatue on their legal bs. 6 years and 60k salary earned me a wopping 7k....shove it that ony covers maybe 2 months. Come to find out the whole talk about being rehired is just for the legal covering of lowes. We've all been black balled by corporate!!! I applied for several jobs and overheard one of the interviewing managers say "we have to do the interview anys, he doesn't know the policy" prior to calling me in the office. After speaking with some high ups still with the company, when he went to pull my records from the other store the disrict hr got involved and said "no way were hiring them back". She called a conference call with the store managers and informed them not to hire any of the fired mangers back into the company. Don't believe me? Has anyone been rehired if so please let me know. Didn't think so. Don't sign those papers. With all the things I know about this were SUING!!! Can you say thanks for the settlement check lowes? Keep the 7k I'm coming for more zeros behind that. Thanks for reading

  69. I am a Lowe's employee and let me say it is a great company to work for! I sought out Lowe's as an employer because they are a great retailer. Cleaner, better lit and easier to find things than that other place. Anywhoo, Lowe's stores are EXTREMELY top heavy in management, I'm surprise the structure has lasted as long as it has. Each store has a Manager, Ops Manager, Admin Manager, Hr Manager, multiple Zone Managers then Department Managers. Some of our stores (ME, WI, etc) do not have the volume to justify this. At 2700 stores, do the math. Lower volume stores were mainly impacted. Now the stores can put more part time employees (that are eligible for benefits) on the floor during high volume times.

  70. At my store they got ride of some good people. And they did not work until Saturday. They got walked out Tuesday.

    It is a good idea to have another job lined up or be looking for one. If you are working at Lowe's.

  71. This article has nothing to do with which store is cleaner. Seriously?? The manager that was let go in our store happened to be very close to me and I can honestly say our store manager just screwed himself by " letting go " of his strongest manager. His backbone. His manager that he always had running around for him doing this and doing that. And in return for ALL his hard work and blood sweat and tears, he got laid off and the most piss poor manager of the bunch got his spot basically. A manager that wears church clothes to work, because it really makes us think you're planning on doing some detailed work right?? Talk about morale being throw out the freakin window!! Doesnt it tell them something when people want to look elsewhere for a job when you take someone with that kind of a impact on them away?? And then give us THAT!! And yes, I do have to wonder myself if any corporate associates lost any of their pay or just went straight to the heart to cut. The deal is this, without us, all those corporate people that just sit in meetings, on conference calls and sending emails wouldn't have a running business if it weren't for us!! So the real sacrifice would've been to see them take some of their pay which is more than any of us will ever see in our life time, and keep the people that holds their stores together!! I know the manager that left us will find something much better than Lowe's and some of us won't be far behind. I officially no longer say Lowe's is a great company to work for. Waiting for all these decisions to backfire in all their faces. As for the 8-10,000 new hires for weekends to impact customer. If the people in the store can't cut it, then weed those slackers out. You'd think after all these years they'd actually become wiser when cutting back on expenses!!

  72. I completely understand what is going on.... but really part time impact...ha like that will happen!!! These part time associates will be used for shagging carts cleaning floors and unloading trucks. They will not be used for customer service alone. We have managers everyday telling us were a team but when you manager walks by a customer only to page anoyer associate to help them so try can go sit down or tell you to pick something up they walked past. I think this new hire will hive them another reason to be lazy. I think sometimes we need to remember What its like to work on the store front and remember there are a few we can trust and work with.

  73. I live in Mooresville, where Lowe's Headquarters is. There aren't too many intelligent people around, but plenty of a-holes.

  74. This article sounds like it was written by Lowes. The mangers were walked out on the 25th like we stole something. Not allowed to say goodbye or even gather up our belongings. Now we are blocked from getting another salary job with Lowes. Store managers were instructed to shred all documents related to this "restructuring".

  75. lowes is 94% in debt... HD has over 18 billion in just saved money in an account. if hd closed they can pay there associates for 10 years without selling a single thing.... figure out who is going to be in business for longer...

  76. They weren't providing enough value for what they were being paid. Lowe's doesn't owe them anything. It's not Obama's fault, it's not Bush's fault..its just a business cycle.

  77. More of Lowes vision for the future...

    They just cut all commission, bonuses, and spiffs from all sales specialists on the floor.

    We are the ones who makes the leads for the company, we are the ones who built the company up to where it is now...

    And without warning, without time to save or prepare for their new 'vision' we all came to work Wednesday to hear that effective that coming Saturday, we should all be taking a huge cut in our pay.

    But the higher ups on the corporate latter still get theirs... So much for 'WE' as the new attitude for Lowes... Can WE send my kids to college?? Can WE pay my mortgage?? Can WE pay my utilities?????

    I didn't think so...

  78. Ive been employed with BLOWES for 3 mths now as a full time associate and so far its a craphole. Management clearly abuse their power and know not a damn thing on how to run a business.

    When I was interviewed by my sm for the position I was made a lot of promises based on the fact that I was coming from a management position at another big box company with many years of related experience.

    So far I've been told "I have no experience" and also "I have no say" when simply trying to give suggestions to dm's and asm's. I was even told I should go back to my old company if I want to have a say.

    As of right now I am currently looking for another job else where and can't wait for the day I walk out of BLOWES for good!!!!!

  79. Another thing is them cutting commissions on the floor specialists with absolutely no warning whatsoever. I reckon appliances will be hit hardest and most if not all of those specialist will be heading for the doors.
    I fail to see how the fat cats at coporate think any person in their right minds heavily dependant on commissions will be enthusiastic about getting up in the mornings to go work for pennies on the dollar and now having their bread and butter snuffed from their dinner tables..smh at this company and as they put it "their golden vision".

  80. Spent over $56k last year at Home Depot with more to come this year. Why would I even buy from Lowes, who might not even be around soon? How will they honor their warranties or return policy when they go under? Mervyns, Circut City, Good Guys, it's same bad news when they had financial troubles. I like Home Depot's customer service, and they'll have their earning report out soon!

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